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Word Meaning

A word meaning explains the meaning of something (word or phrase). It may sound similar with synonym, but actually it’s different. 

Synonym : 

Respondents = Interviewees 

Word meaning :

Respondents = Those who participate in a survey


Example :

Why recycling is so hard 


(1) Why is getting Americans to recycle more so challenging? First, many of them don’t understand waste problems and recycling strategies. Few are aware of the environmental problems waste causes, and most have a hard time connecting individual actions to those problems.

(2) Most people don’t know where their waste goes, whether it includes recyclables or what can be made from them. They may know what day to put out curbside trash and recycling, but are unsure which materials the companies accept. In a 2019 survey of 2,000 Americans, 53% erroneously believed greasy pizza boxes could be recycled, and 68% thought the same for used plastic utensils.

(3) Another 39% of respondents cited inconvenience and poor access to recycling facilities as major barriers. California pays a 5- to 10-cent redemption fee for each beverage container, but the facilities often are inconvenient to reach. For example, the closest to my home in Los Angeles is eight miles away, which can involve driving for an hour or more. That’s not worth it for the few cans my family produces.

(4) Most U.S. consumers are opposed to pollution, of course, but research shows that they seldom view themselves as significant contributors. As taxpayers, they hold local governments responsible for recycling. Many are not sure what happens next, or whether their actions make a difference.

(adapted from:


What does ‘recycle’ (paragraph 1) mean? 

A. Sorting waste into categories 

B. Compiling waste for later use 

C. Transforming waste into new objects 

D. An act of reducing waste pollution 

E. Contributing to waste management 


Pembahasan :

Tipe soal ini adalah Vocabulary Question yang berfokus pada Word Meaning atau arti/definisi kata. Soal ini bertujuan untuk mencari definisi dari kata recycle yang ada pada paragraf ke-1 bacaan diatas.

Petunjuk definisi recycle terdapat di paragraf ke-2, yakni what can be made from them yang berarti apa yang bisa dibuat dari sampah. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa recycle berarti menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dari sampah

Opsi A (Sorting waste into categories) yang berarti menyortir sampah ke dalam kategori tertentu adalah tidak tepat, karena merupakan proses dari recycle, bukan definisinya. 

Opsi B (Compiling waste for later use) atau mengumpulkan sampah untuk digunakan kemudian adalah tidak tepat.

Opsi D (An act of reducing waste pollution) atau aksi mengurangi polusi sampah adalah salah, karena merupakan tujuan recycle, bukan definisinya.

Opsi E (Contributing to waste management) atau berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi sampah salah karena bukan definisi recycle.

Jawaban yang benar adalah C (Transforming waste into new objects), yang berarti mengubah sampah menjadi benda baru.

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