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Paraphrase (parafrase) is an act of rewriting a sentence using your own words without changing the real meaning. There are several things to pay attention to, namely: 

A paraphrased sentence may use a different structure from the original work.

The meaning of a paraphrased sentence should contain the same meaning as the original work. 

A paraphrased sentence is usually specific, namely, it must contain all important elements mentioned in the original work. 

The length of a paraphrase sentence is usually similar or longer compared to the original work. 

TIPS of doing questions about paraphrase

Pay attention to the question and the highlighted sentence. 

Understand the meaning of the sentence. 

Determine the keywords to be included in a paraphrased sentence. 

Paraphrasing aims to rewrite a sentence using your own words; nonetheless, as the questions are in a form of a multiple-choice (pilihan ganda), find the sentence that delivers a similar meaning. 

REMEMBER! Choose a sentence with similar meaning to the question. 


The emergence of new, potentially more virulent variants of the coronavirus is causing some inoculated seniors to return to their routines with caution, however.


What is the best paraphrase of the sentence? 

A. The elderlies are more prone to the new variant of the coronavirus. 

B. Unvaccinated elderlies are being cautious of their routine as a more extreme kind of virus emerged. 

C. The old lockdown regulations resurfaced due to the emergence of the new kind of virus. 

D. A more virulent variant of the virus emerged due to many seniors going back to their old daily routines. 

E. The vaccinated seniors are being advantaged from the emergence of a new virus.  


Steps of Solving the Question 

Perhatikan kalimat yang ditanyakan, dan pahami maknanya.
"The emergence of new, potentially more virulent variants of the coronavirus is causing some inoculated seniors to return to their routines with caution, however" berarti ‘akan tetapi, kemunculan jenis virus baru yang berpotensi lebih berbahaya menyebabkan beberapa lansia yang belum disuntik vaksin harus berhati-hati dalam melakukan kembali rutinitas mereka’.

Kata kunci yang bisa diambil dari kalimat tersebut di antaranya adalah emergence (kemunculan), more virulent variants of coronavirus (varian virus corona yang lebih berbahaya), inoculated seniors (lansia yang belum suntik vaksin), routine (rutinitas), dan caution (hati-hati). 

Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki maksud/makna yang sama dari kalimat yang ditanyakan, dan juga menyertakan kata kunci pentingnya adalah opsi B Unvaccinated elderlies are being cautious of their routine as a more extreme kind of virus emerged (lansia yang belum divaksin sedang berhati-hati dalam melakukan rutinitas mereka karena munculnya jenis virus yang lebih berbahaya).  

#materiUTBK2024 #LiterasiBahasaInggris#Paraphrase

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