# Authors_Attitude_and_Writing_Organisation
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Author's Writing Organisation
Writers develop their ideas in various ways. We must recognize the patterns the writers use to develop ideas in the text. Common ways that we can do is to pay attention to the keywords or conjunctions in the text. Here are some types of reading patterns:



Compare the similarities and differences of two or more topics. The keywords of this pattern are:

- likewise

- as with

- in the same way

- But

- different from

- similarly



Shows the reasons and consequences of an event. The keywords of this pattern are:

- Accordingly

- As a result

- Because

- Consequences


3. TIME ORDER (Sequence)

Shows processes, procedures, cycles or events that are told from beginning to end. Usually this type of text describes "steps" or "stages". The keywords of this pattern are:

- After

- Before

- Formerly

- Thereupon



The main idea of this reading is followed by examples. Some of the keywords that indicate this development pattern include:

- for example

- for instance

- such as

- to illustrate

- to demonstrate



Explain the definition of a term. The keywords of this pattern are:

- means

- defined as

- is referring to

- consists of



In this type of text, the writer tries to separate the information into several categories or classes. Then the author explains the categories one by one. The keywords of this pattern are:

- properties

- elements

- features

- characteristics

- aspects

- types

Contoh soal :

If we study a child’s handwriting, certain personality characteristics are revealed. If children have handwriting that is slanted only a little to the right or is straight up and down, they have a moderate temperament and use good judgment. This type is usually affectionate and sharing. However, if the handwriting slants to the far right, they are usually emotional children who react quickly. Their quick responses are often negative responses. The third type, children who write with a backhand slant, are very logical, unemotional, and sometimes very insecure. Their world seems to revolve around themselves rather than around friends and loved ones. 

(adapted from mdc.edu)

1. In developing the passage, the organizational pattern used by the author could be described as….

a. classification 

b. cause/effect 

c. summary 

d. time order

e. Example


Jawaban yang tepat adalah A, classification. Teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang klasifikasi atau penggolongan tulisan pada anak-anak berdasarkan karakter dan sifat mereka. Ada 3 klasifikasi tulisan dan karakter yang dijelaskan. Pada teks tersebut, kamu juga bisa melihat kata kunci yang mengidentifikasikan bahwa pattern atau pola yang digunakan penulis adalah klasifikasi, yaitu pada kata characteristics dan type

Opsi B kurang tepat karena teks tersebut tidak menjelaskan sebab dan akibat terjadinya sesuatu

Opsi C kurang tepat karena teks tersebut tidak berisi ringkasan. Ringkasan biasanya terdapat pada paragraf akhir atau penutup dalam sebuah teks

Opsi D kurang tepat karena teks tersebut tidak menjelaskan proses atau prosedur melakukan sesuatu

Opsi E kurang tepat karena teks tersebut tidak menjelaskan contoh, bisa dilihat dari tidak adanya kata kunci yang digunakan seperti for example, for instance, such as, dan lainnya.


Try to remember the keyword of each pattern because it will help you to find the author organization!

Read the question first before you read the text because what is asked is usually only specific to one paragraph!

#materiUTBK2024 #LiterasiBahasaInggris#Authors_Attitude_and_Writing_Organisation

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9 months ago by pak_dosen@pak_dosen

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Author's attitude / tone
An author's attitude or tone  is simply his or her feelings about the subject he or she is writing about. Writers express their attitudes through their word choices, sentence structures, and figurative language. Most author's attitude questions go something like this:

1. "The author’s attitude toward ___ can best be described as"

2. "Which best characterizes how the author feels about __?"

3. "The author of the passage would be most likely to characterize/describe __ as"

4. “The tone of lines 5-6 can best be described as”

Read the whole of passage carefully!




- After reading the passage , you can decide what kind of the author's attitude or tone (positive, negative, or might be neutral) from the chosen words that are used by the author in that passage.- And then you can be more specifically find out that if the author's tone is positive the vibes of the passage must be cheerful, happy, enthusiastic, accepting, passionate, joyous, if the author's tone is negative so the vibes of the passage must be disapproving,  angry, pessimistic, critical, suspicious, and many more.- Enrich your vocabulary mastery. The key is understanding the vocabulary because if you don't understand with the vocabulary used by the author's , you will be very difficult to find out the attitude or tone from the author.

Example :

Parents usually do not insist that their children learn to walk by a certain age. Parents feel confident that the children will learn to walk within a reasonable period of time, when their bodies are ready for such an undertaking. Teachers should adopt the same attitude when teaching children in school how to read. If teachers did this, children might learn to read much more quickly and experience less anxiety while doing so. 

(text is adapted from khan academy)

The author's attitude toward teachers who try to force children to learn how to read once they reach a certain age can best be described as…

A. Sympathetic

B. Accepting

C. Disapproving

D. Neutral 

E. Enthusiastic

Discussion  :

- The correct answer is C, disapproving. Word "should" on the third paragraph shows that the author suggest the teachers to behave same with the parents during teaching the children about reading, not forcing something to be learnt in certain ages. So, it can be concluded that the author's disagree with the teachers who force the children to read in certain ages 

- Option A is not correct because the author doesn't show the sympathy to the teachers who force the children to read in certain ages. 

- Option B is not correct because the author doesn't show the any acts of agreement to the teachers who force the children to read in certain ages. 

- Option D is not correct because the use of of word "should" by the author shows the clear side of the author's , not the neutral behavior. 

- Option E is not correct because the author doesn't show any enthusiastic actions to the teachers who force the children to read in certain ages. 

#materiUTBK2024 #LiterasiBahasaInggris#Authors_Attitude_and_Writing_Organisation

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9 months ago by pak_dosen@pak_dosen

Public Entry

Author's Opinion
Author’s opinion is the way an author looks at or feels about the topic or the ideas being described. An opinion can also be called the author’s personal thought, assumption, perspective, or viewpoint that can be seen in the content and the language used in the text. To find the author's opinion, students have to read the text analytically in order to identify the validity of the information. By identifying words and phrases used in the text, students are able to find the author’s strong feelings either supporting or opposing something (a person, a group, or an issue).

Contoh Soal


(1). The long-established Brazilian diet, in common with the diets of other South American countries, can readily be improved from the nutritional and public health points of view. Indeed, it has already improved. Remaining faults in the Brazilian traditional dietary patterns can be addressed by a combination of fiscal and other types of legislation. This legislation should support cooperatives and family farmers, protect and stabilize the prices of healthy staple foods and ingredients, and make green vegetables and other fresh and minimally processed foods more attractive to produce. It should also reduce the volume of salt and sugar entering food supplies, either as raw materials or as contained in ultra-processed products. Programs of information and education at the national and state levels should be used to reinforce this legislation.

(2). The use of law to protect and improve food systems and supplies, and thus public health, may be difficult in parts of the world where governments have already surrendered the responsibility of governance to transnational and other corporations. However, in Brazil, protection of public health still remains a prime duty of government that has not eroded as it has in other countries. Two important principles used in legislation in Brazil add to the current conventional discourse about food, nutrition, and public health. First, access to adequate healthy food in Brazil is regarded as a basic human right that needs protection by the use of law in the public interest. Second, many improvements in Brazilian food supplies depend on sustained pressure on legislators exerted by energetic and often militant civil society organizations.

(3). Governments and other powerful and influential institutions, and also research and public health institutions, now need to examine and document the impact on South America of Big Food and Big Snack on public health, regional and national nature and culture, independence, and identity. This work must not inhibit the implementation of policies and actions that are needed now; importantly, once enacted, the impact of these essential policies and actions needs to be carefully monitored.

1. Which of the following best represents the author’s opinion of the often-militant actions of Brazil’s civil rights organizations?

A. These actions are excessive

B. These actions are necessary

C. These actions are counter-effective

D. These actions are misguided

E. These actions are dangerous

Discussion :

If there is a specific question refers to one keywords, just be focus with the keywords to ease and shorten you time durability in answering the question. In this question, the keywords is "the often-militant actions of Brazil's civil right organizations" which is stated on the last sentence of the second paragraph.

Look at the whole sentence , "Second many improvements in Brazilian food supplies depend on sustained pressure on legislators exerted by energetic and often militant civil society organizations"  which means "Kedua, banyaknya perbaikan dalam suplai makanan Brazil bergantung pada pada tekanan berkelanjutan pada legislator yang dilakukan oleh organisasi masyarakat sipil yang energetik dan seringkali militan”.

The improvement of food supply in Brazil depends the civil society organizations. So, it can be defined that the civil society organizations have a big impact and role to be included to that case. 

- Answer A is not correct because excessive means berlebihan. There is no indication that the civil society organizations do any action way too much (excessive)

- Answer B is correct because the acts did by the civil society organizations have an important impact and role or necessary.

- Answer C is not correct because counter-effective means tidak efektif. There is no indication that the civil society. organizations measured to be ineffective. 

- Answer D is not correct because misguided means sesat. There is no indication that There is no indication that the civil society organizations measured to be misguided. 

- Answer E is not correct because dangerous means berbahaya. There is no indication that the civil society organizations measured to be dangerous.

2. Which of the following types of evidence would best add support to the author’s primary conclusion on the Brazilian diet, as well as the primary reason given in support of that conclusion?

A. Additional data about the general public health in fast-food saturated countries

B. Examples of ways in which the displacement of family meals is an ideological issue

C. Discussion of the impact of family meal displacement upon religious practices

D. Dissagregated data about food and family mealtime practices by socioeconomic status levels

E. Examples of commercial materials that glamorize a lifestyle in which fast foods replica traditional family mealtimes

Discussion : 

The keyword in this question is conclusion or kesimpulan.  So, you need to be focused on the third paragraph. 

Governments and other powerful and influential institutions, and also research and public health institutions, now need to examine and document the impact on South America of Big Food and Big Snack on public health, regional and national nature and culture, independence, and identity. This work must not inhibit the implementation of policies and actions that are needed now; importantly, once enacted, the impact of these essential policies and actions needs to be carefully monitored.

So, the correct answer is E. 

#materiUTBK2024 #LiterasiBahasaInggris#Authors_Attitude_and_Writing_Organisation

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9 months ago by pak_dosen@pak_dosen